
Dear User,

Our aim is to provide unconditional user satisfaction . Responses you will provide through this survey will shed light on the studies we will conduct to achieve this . Therefore, we would like to hear your opinionsthoughts.  Please take the time to complete this form.

Please score the following questions according to the degree of satisfaction.





Are you satisfied with the motorway travel duration and comfort?

Are you satisfied with the toll station service speed and quality?

Are you satisfied with the website information, content and guidance?

Are you satisfied with the illumination levels of the motorway lights?

Is your problem is resolved within an acceptable duration?

Do you think traffic signs and directions are sufficient?

In case of incident response, are you satisfied with the professionalism of our staff regarding the response time?

Do you think the measures taken for motorway traffic safety are adequate?

We will be pleased if you share your complaints and suggestions with us in order to serve you better.

I have read and understood KVKK information documents and I agree that the information I’ve provided can be processed. Click here to view information documents about Personal Protection Data Law Information Text.
